cherished childhoold memories
+ a close, caring friendship
= the Elverum sisters, Dana and Anne
A Minnesota native, Anne attended Colorado State University in Fort Collins, which now is home for her, her husband and 3 boys. Still a big RAM's football supporter since her college days, you can see her each fall tailgating with family and friends even in their RAMS RV before away games.
From MN to CO Anne and Dana share their ideas and recipes…Anne has followed her sister’s example of hosting Friday Afternoon Club.
Both women have perfected Anne’s granola recipe, but each have their own unique twist.
What a great recipe for a brisk Autumn Saturday morning before the Homecoming game!
As the CSU Alma Mater song says:
Memories Are Everlasting
Of This Place So Great!
May Thy Green And Gold
Unite Us, Loyal Ever Be.
No matter if you’re a Minnesota Gopher fan or a Colorado State Ram…the bond of sisterhood remains strong!