The vegetable fondue has a light batter and a citrus dipping sauce. Our choice in veggies include: mushrooms, broccoli, red pepper, sweet potatoes, and onions. Credit goes to “Fondue” by Fiona Smith.
Our meats have included beef, pheasant and chicken. Scallops and shrimp are seafood favorites. We use canola oil for cooking.
Everyone brings dipping sauces for the meats and seafood. Truly, the more sauces the merrier or tastier. With our children in their 20’s and 30’s, this is something they can contribute to the party.
The 3 dipping sauces I make each year are “party favs”: Shiitake Sauce, Mushroom-Roquefort Sauce, and Horseradish Sauce. These great recipes are in the “Crème de Colorado Cookbook” by the Junior League of Denver.
To top off the evening we have a chocolate fondue. Pineapple and strawberries are the preferred fruits, along with pound cake and marshmallows. Homemade Christmas cookies (Meredith's Oreo Balls) are shared and some years a tasty, festive Yule Log from a local bakery shows up!