for creative party & dining memories...

we love to create, collaborate and celebrate!
Carol and Barb
I first saw this idea in November 2002, in...where else?
The Oprah Magazine...O...under the heading,
"What a Swell Party This Is"...
Try these potato recipes!
Wasabi with Black Sesame Seeds
Roasted Garlic and Fresh Basil
Provencial Black Olive and Fresh Thyme
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We love your many comments and recipes...here's one from Liz.
�I think your site is fabulous�I work full time as a yacht Chef/Stewardess in the Bahamas�You ladies are an inspiration�I included a quick fun recipe!� Best of Luck, Liz
The �I don't feel like cooking�Quick Crockpot Chicken!"
� 1 c salsa (homemade or jar is fine, too)
� 3 smashed cloves of fresh garlic (go back to bed if you are considering using the stuff in the jar, you know it's flavorless, don't kid yourself)
� 3 chopped chipotles in adobo sauce plus 2 T sauce (more if you want extra heat)
Try not to serve luke warm!
No real work required!